Next stop was "Batik Tambal" web site www.batiktambal.com , where I had to buy another tjap.

Many stops at other vendors, then finally went to see the quilts.
I was very impressed with the "Best of Show" quilts. There were 2, one for large quilts, won by Diane J. Evans called "Pieces of Dreams

This was the first time I saw a show with 2 "Best of Show" quilts. I'm still undecided as to whether I like that idea. Shouldn't "Best of Show" be the best of the show and not shared with another quilt. Share your thoughts in the comment section at the end of this entry. I'd really like your thoughts.
Below are some other quilts I really liked, as you can see my tastes run to landscape quilts.
"Acoma Ladders by Barbara Browner Schiller won 2nd place in Art-Pictural catagory. A lot of applique and thread painting. I thought it was beautifully executed.

"Sonoran Spring" by Georgia Heller is a photo image with thread painting to accentuate the picture. She won a 2nd place ribbon in the Special Techniques catagory.

"Succulent Succulents" by Norma Schlager is a photo manipulated transfer. She won an honorable mention in the Special Techniques catagory.

Well----- with all my purchases, I can't wait to get into my studio to play.
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