Saturday, February 26, 2011

Start of New Quilt

Over the summer I started dyeing fabric for a new quilt. After dyeing I had taken some fabrics and discharged and overdyed them. These I wrote about in earlier posts when I was working on them.

The end of last month and the first week of this month I reviewed all of these fabrics and decided some still needed some more texture on them. I got out the paints and paintsticks, stencils, stamps, and rubbing plates and got to work.

I used irredescent paintsticks and rubbing plates over some of the fabrics.

Next I used paint, both metallic and matte with stencils. Last was stamps and paint.

After they all dried, they were heat set.

With the dyed, overdyed, discharged, rubbed, stencilled, and stamped fabrics gave me a diverse group to make this quilt.

Now I can get down to the sewing.

Will keep you informed.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Baby Quilt Done

Last time I blogged I was working on my to-be grand niece's baby quilt. Her parents picked a ladybug theme for her bedroom. I designed a quilt with flowers and ladybugs on the flowers and also in two corners.

I added two borders and outline quilted around the applique. This will hang on the wall.
I also made a cuddle quilt for her, using the same basic color scheme, I pieced rail fence blocks and the machine quilting was an overall loop-d-loop.

Liana Paige was born Sunday, February 6th. She's healthy and beautiful. We're blessed to have her as an addition to our family.