Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dyeing Tuesday

Yesterday, my friend Martha and I got out the dyes and set to work(I mean FUN!!) I had a couple of pieces that I monoprinted and screen printed last week, so I added background colors. The monoprint was swirled with black, then overdyed very light yellow, yellow/green and blue/green for the background colors.

This monoprint I used a hair pick through the black dye, then added a red/orange dye for the background. Its not looking to good but I'll see after rinsing.

The screen print was overdyed with diluted yellow, yellow/green and light red.

Also I wanted to try squirting dyes down fabric that was pinned to foam board. I used a yellow, light red and burgundy on this one

and yellow and ultra violet on this one.

I put a third fabric in the bottom tray to catch the drips and got an interesting fabric from it.
This next one I used thickened blue dye and stamped with a pool noodle and luffa sponge, let dry a little

then overdyed with yellow, bronze and chino.

This one was squirted with yellow, burgundy and violet, then I smooshed them around.

These are a few fabrics that are low-water immersion dyed.

and oranges.

Lastly, I layer dyed fabric starting with yellow on the first piece, crimson on second, and blue on the third.

Can you tell I like orange!!!
Check out Martha's fabrics at to see her works in progress.
They all are being processed and need to be rinsed and washed. It was a busy day but I hope the results are worth it.
I'll post again with the finished results.

1 comment:

Martha C. Hall said...
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