Over the past year I have neglected my blog, once in a while posting on quilts made, fabric dyeing and painting. But I wasn't posting as frequently as I wanted or should have. I always had some excuse, then time would get away from me.
This years resolution is to post more frequently and on a more regular basis. That being said, as I watch the snow falling my mind is reviewing different color combinations for snow dyeing.
The first couple pictures are of fabric I did after our last snow fall at the end of December.

Above, I used grape dye.

This one I used ultra violet and golden yellow.
Today, I'm going to use green (coblat blue and golden yellow) and chinese red combo. I'm trying a different way by laying the fabric flat on a mesh drying rack instead of on a slant using lids from my containers.

This is sky blue and golden yellow on a cover slanted in a container.

This one is totally different than what I've tried before with snow. Its 3 layers of fabric with dyed snow in between each fabric. I started with golden yellow on layer 1, chinese red on layer 2, and sky blue on layer 3. Hopefully these will melt down through the layers and get multi colored fabrics.

These will sit till most of the snow melts, about 12-18 hours then rinse.
Results soon.