So with this in mind I set myself up for a dyeing frenzy.
I started Friday with my friend Martha. Got some of the dyes and fabric ready and went to her wet studio for the first day. Go to her web site for her work. I kept it pretty simple by dyeing a range of greens with black dyes.

Saturday was a family picnic, so I started rinsing Fridays fabrics in the morning.
Sunday, I started by stenciling previously dyed fabrics with thickened dye. Some of these were previously discharged with soft scrub. I covered the fabrics with plastic and let them cure for 24 hours. I was moving right along.

Next I wanted to try "Tray Dyeing" by Leslie Morgan & Claire Benn. I soda soaked fabric for 30 minutes then fan folded the fabric into a large bin. Mixing up my colors I squirted gold in the center making sure it saturated the fabric, squirted blue on the edges of the gold and massaged the dye into some of the gold. Last I added red to the edges and again massaged the dye into the blue, I tilted the tray so some of the red dye went down under the folds.

I went on to do 3 layer parfaits. The first set I used yellow/orange, on the first layer, red/violet on the second layer, and blue/green on the third.

I mixed up more dye for Monday and called it quits for the day.
Monday, I started with some gradation dyeing of chinese red and black, moved on to red/oranges with black.
After all the fabrics had set for their alotted times I finished off the day rinsing, rinsing, and more rinsing.
Some of the results:
Red gradations